#028: Tips for Building a Great Marriage from an Amazing Couple - Part 2 | Joe & Maria Keller

Keller Family.jpg

If you want to build a great marriage, follow the advice of couples who’ve done it. Learn from them.

Like last episode, that's exactly what we do in this episode with the most beautiful married couple Joey knows, Joe and Maria Keller. They offer a roadmap for marriage and hope for those of us from broken families who often feel lost in building love that lasts. By listening, you’ll also hear:

  • What destroys a marriage and how to avoid those things

  • Habits and advice on money, faith, and communication

  • How Joe and Maria handled the pain of losing a child

Story of Baby James Keller | 3+ million views!

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If you wanna build a great marriage, follow the advice of couples who've done it. I said that in last episode, learn from them. And just like in last episode, that's exactly what we do in this episode. I interview an amazing couple that really has the most beautiful marriage that I've ever seen. I've ever witnessed.

And I've learned so much from them. They've helped me. To believe that love and marriage can last because I doubted that after seeing what happened in my own parents' marriage and seeing kind of that broken model of love and marriage, I doubted that I could last and, and by their example, by their example of my guests today, they've truly given me a roadmap for love and marriage.

And, and so that's what you're gonna get out of this episode. Two, you're gonna get that roadmap for love and marriage. And you're gonna get that hope that love and marriage can actually last because my guest, Joe and Maria, they prove that we're gonna talk about what destroys a marriage and how you can avoid those things.

We'll also discuss their habits and advice on different topics, like how to handle money, why it's important to. Be on the same page when it comes to your deepest held beliefs or your faith, they talk about the benefits of having a mentor or a spiritual coach. We get into communication tips, like when you should actually avoid talking to your spouse about big issues and how to approach your spouse in the right way.

When you need to talk about some important, we get into the heavy topic of suffer. They talk about how they've handled suffering in their life, specifically, how they've handled the pain of losing one of their children, just really sad. Uh, but at the same time, beautiful story of how they navigated that really difficult part of their life and how they found peace in the midst of so much pain and how you can as well.

And lastly, they give us encouragement those of us who maybe doubt that love is possible for us, that it can last for us, that we can have something different than what we saw in our parents' marriage. So lots of good stuff ahead. So much practical wisdom from a truly amazing couple. So keep listening.

Welcome to the ReSTOR podcast, helping you cope, heal, and grow. From the trauma of your parents' divorce or separation. So you can feel whole again. I'm your host, Joey Pelli. Thank you so much for listening. This is episode 28 and this is actually part two of two. Last episode was part one, and that was episode 27.

It's obviously best to listen to that first, but if you don't, that's totally fine. You're still gonna get a lot. This episode, we're in the middle of our love and relationship series. And the research shows that the biggest effects from our parents' divorce are experienced in our romantic relationships.

And why is that? Basically because we don't have a roadmap for love. We've seen a broken model of love and marriage. And so when it's our turn, we, we feel lost and we struggle in numerous ways. In our relationships. And so we're bringing you a roadmap, actionable tips and expert advice on how to find and build authentic love.

My guests today are Joe and Maria Keller. I'm not gonna give you their full bio. We gave that in episode 27. So just go back and listen to that. If you'd like to hear more about them, they're just fantastic. Have they have such a beautiful family? They've six kids. One of them passed away as you'll hear more about in the interview and man, well, such a beautiful, beautiful family.

Something that I. Truly want to emulate in my own family, in my own marriage. And for those of you who aren't religious, there is quite a bit of talk about God and faith. That's just so core to who Joe and Maria are. It's really at the core of their joy of their happiness, they would say. And so really important to, to hear them out on those parts, because again, it's so core to who they are.

It's so core to the amazing marriage that they've built, uh, without it, if you take out out of it, it. Wouldn't be what it is. And so if you're not there and when it comes to faith, your relationship with God, you're totally welcome here. And even without those parts in the episode, you're still gonna walk away with a lot of great, uh, advice, a lot of great encouragement.

So if you can keep an open mind, definitely keep listening. Also at the end, I wanna tell you about a virtual retreat that you can attend specifically for adult children of divorce. This is a healing retreat that you. Take in from the comfort of your own home, it's gonna span over, uh, so many weeks and it's just like an hour and a half at a time.

So more info, uh, at the end of the show. So here's part two of my conversation with Joe and Maria color picking up right where we left off in episode 27. kind of moving on the flip side of this. What have you seen really destroy marriages? What, what should we look out for little things? Very subtle things I would say, but just, you know, the flip of what she just said.

I mean, you know, little biting comments, when, you know, you might develop a relationship with some of the kids and you know, daddy's gonna let this happen, but mommy said, no. And then the kids are smart enough to play on that and, you know, right. Without even knowing it or maybe, you know it and you just don't care, you're slowly letting a wedge be developed between each of you.

And that's not cool. And it's not cool for the kids because you're. giving in them, you know, giving into them. But at the same time, uh, the worst thing is, is you're creating a wound, what Maria mentioned and, uh, uh, which festers, and let me say this, as you, as we all can probably recognize there, there's something real.

That's attempting to destroy, uh, marriages, families, and there's a real evil in the world. And if someone doubted that. Uh, a year ago, look at some of what's developed in the last year. I mean, there is a real, real life, uh, evil around all of us and, and that evil does not like love. Okay. And, and frankly, um, tries to destroy that love.

And if the family can be destroy. Let's face it, evil wins. All right. And, and that's where the frontline frontline attack is at. And we need to be mindful. And we do that through prayer and frankly, our guardian angels. Okay. We have a, we have a gift they're called the guardian angels and whether people know it or not, they have one and it doesn't hurt to say, Hey, help me out here.

Hey, I, I need, I need a hand here. And Hey, guardian angel, were you talking to guardian angel? My wife or my kids, and help me out with this issue or this situation, and watch, you'll see a difference, but again, you know, you could be a policeman or, and have all the weaponry in the world, but if you don't use it or good, is it, we have a great vocation in, in our case.

It's the, the sacrament of marriage. There's wonderful graces that come from. All we have to do is ask. And that requires a little humility and sometimes an apology as we talked about. And sometimes some of these other things. So those are certainly some things to keep in mind, I think. Yeah. And I think, I mean, it's not most of the times when there is a divorce or separation or, um, it's not that Tomic bomb that just one day went off.

Mm-hmm , it's usually a lot of like little. Infidelity is that happen in the quiet of each other's hearts? And so whether it is, you know, snippy comments or gossiping or not sharing or sharing a half truth or exaggerating, if you not, if you just let all the slip by, it just gets easier and easier and easier to live that lifestyle of, of the seed, you know?

And so maybe it's not necessarily that, you know, you're, you've been unfaithful to your husband, physic. But you've already been unfaithful on your heart many times. And so I think it's really important to, um, use the sacrament of, of confession and, and, and just recheck it and think like, you know, many times like, well, what is it that first attracted me to this person?

Or what, you know, let me make a list. You know, my, it doesn't have to be like a physical respect, something that is important. Like, what are the like great attributes that I love about my spouse and, you know, I, I truly honestly believe that Joe helps me to be a better person, you know? So I think it's important to, to think of, of those things, of how, how you're better together, what, how, how you're better together.

And I think like one thing that I realize also here it's, it's important to take care of each other and it's not like, you know, she's a trophy husband or I'm a trophy wife, but I think it's, you know, when, when you're dating you like take such great care of like looking nice. You know, shaving and making sure, like, we SHA for the guys of course, but like, you know, like, or us like, you know, getting our hair done or looking nice.

And then it seems like, and I see it so many times people get married and then it's like, they think that tell me their husband went blind and then like in Swiss there, or, and it's like, there's nothing wrong with Swiss, but it's like, come on, use it for the gym and you can wear like something different.

You know, like it's important to at least treat your husband the same way you treated him when you were dating, at least, you know, so if you took the time and the energy, maybe it was 10 minutes, maybe, you know, this is something that my mom used to do and that, I don't know that Jon knows, but I do that, you know, I said a timer, um, about like 10 minutes or so before I, I think he gonna come home and I try to.

Brush my hair before he comes home or, and, you know, like maybe like put a little bit of perfume or, I mean, just little bit nice that he comes home and he does not find a woman that is like completely exasperated and at the edge of like a nervous breakdown, you know? And it's like something like, even though two minutes before I got there, that's what was going on.

Exactly. but it's important. You, you, you don't take each other for granted just because you're. Doesn't mean like, oh, I got them now, you know, like, oh, I got her, like now it doesn't doesn't matter. Like whether I'm nice or not nice, whether they have manner. No, no, no, no. Use the same manner. She's like, you know, big exquisite, like in that, in that, in that relationship, like risk just really, you know, I mean, to me, it's something silly, but to me, it's, it means a lot the way that your treats me with so much respect and, and love and.

You know, I mean, the manner she uses to me, it means a lot, you know, you can say the same words, but she's using different manners, different looks different, you know? I don't know. So I think it's really important to watch with the little things. It can either make it or break it. Absolutely. Cuz that's like you guys both said really well, that's where it starts.

That's where the breakdown in a marriage starts. But it's also where you can build that really strong foundation to build upon. It's really beautiful. I wanna talk about different areas of marriage. I I'd love to hear from you. The habits that you've developed in these areas. And, and some advice you'd give to, to other couples listening right now, or anyone who really wants to be married one day, uh, the first area is money.

So this is one of the top causes of divorce. It can be a very difficult, intense topic for a lot of people. Uh, what habits have you developed and what advice would you give. Boy. It's so funny. You ask here we are 15 years into it and I can tell you, uh, Joey, one of the things that we all see right now, when you go to the grocery store, it seems like, you know, your, your dollar gets a little bit less than it did, you know, just, just a few months ago, if you're buying for meat, you know, paying for meat or this or that.

I remember a few short years ago. It seemed like when Marie would make a meal, it would last two to three nights. Um, early on maybe four, the kids are older and now that the kids are older, it's kinda like, you know, you're, you're, you're cutting down your own ration. You're ING your, your spot and you see your son, who's 11, he like two, three times more than you.

And you're kinda like, oh, and there's what happened to you and there's no leftovers. So my point is, is that. It does certainly stresses, stretches, you know, things thin a little bit, if that meal that you, maybe you were hoping to get another night out of, you got one night and not only that, but it costs more money.

So I think the common theme of communication is really important. And one of the things that Marie and I do, you know, we, it sounds really good, but we try to put it into practice. It's called living a spirit of poverty. So, you know, Maybe you, you know, doesn't mean that, you know, you don't never eat ice cream, but maybe, you know, you have ice cream once a week.

Uh, maybe there's, maybe there's a special feast day or celebration. You have it twice a week, but I can't believe that's coming out of my mouth, but my wife has trained me well but my point is is that, uh, especially as we get older and maybe you're not making that much more money, every. It seems like it's getting stretched then to talk about a budget and try to live a budget.

And before the month starts say, Hey, this is what we can anticipate is our income. How are we gonna spend those dollars? I can tell you in the last week our dishwasher went, went bust and it's not like we had money in a dishwasher account. You know, we had to find a way to, to, you know, where's that money gonna come from and where are we gonna sacrifice?

You know, the cost of that, you know, in terms of our budget. And then we look into the future and we say, well, maybe this bill can wait, or maybe we pay a portion of this. Uh, like when the HVAC and AC busted, you know, a month and a half ago, uh, we'll put half on a credit put a year. Yeah. Yeah. So, I mean, but the point is is you, you have to talk about those things.

You don't put 'em under a rug and thankfully, um, you know, Maria gets it, we have a conversation and we put together a plan and we, we try to make it work and we pray and. You know, a little side job thing came together and, and God always provides, you know, I remember one time earlier in our relationship, I, I did the bills on a particular night.

I said, Maria, I got great news. And she said, what? I said, we have 58 cents in our checking account. And oh my, she , that's not good news. She stopped me. She says, okay, why, why is that good news? you're like me, Maria. I said, because we pay a lot paid all our bills this month. there you go. So, anyway, my point is, is that, uh, uh, communication, certainly some prayer.

But putting, having a plan. Yeah. I think it's really important. Like so many it's so prevalent nowadays to make like a, uh, how do you call them? Like you contract before you get married? Uh, prenuptial agreement. What? Prenuptial? Oh, at prenup, I think like when people go into marriage like that, they're already going in with the divorce mentality.

Yeah. Okay. What if it doesn't happen? What if it doesn't work? Like, how are we going to this? You know, how are we going to like, do this? So honestly I would have, like, if you have one of those, I would make a bonfire and the two of you together, rip it up and burn it and just burn your shifts. So you cannot come back.

I mean, this is like great advice, you know? Um, I think it's not my money or his money. We talk about it, like Joe said, and I'll give you an example, you know, um, we were, you know, we were like considering getting like some, some yard work done. And I was getting some quotes over the phone and this person was really, really persuasive, just really pushy, I should say.

And you know, I'm, I'm not, I, I take my time, especially when it comes to bigger things. I mean, I, I don't have to, you know, we don't have to talk about like, you know, when Joe goes to Lowe's and get this or that, or, you know, if I go to the grocery store or, you know, go shop clothes for the kids, I mean, that's like normal things.

but I told the man, I said, you know what, let me give you a call back. I'm gonna talk to my husband and you know, and he was a part, he like you, like in this day and age, you need to ask her permission, like, are you serious? And I said, I'm not asking for permission, but this is our money. This is our investment.

And so when there's something that's out of the ordinary, you bet we're gonna talk about it. I mean, you know, I mean, does Joe know what I'm doing during the day? And do I know what he's gonna be doing? Of course we do, because we love each other. And because we control each other because we love each. And if there's certain, you know, things like bigger, you know, whether it's a bigger amount or out of the ordinary where, whether it's like, Hey, it's wedding gift for like an is getting married.

Well, it's a gift to both of us. Like we should talk about it. Oh. It's like, we wanna like make this donation for charity. Well, yeah, it's a gift to both of us. So I think it's really important to talk about it, to communicate until it's not his or. It's ours. I mean, you, you are one forever. You're a team. I love that.

That's great advice. How about faith? So, you know, some people listening, aren't people of faith, uh, some are. And so why, why is, yeah, it's so important to be on the same page when it comes to that, uh, to begin with. And we've talked about that in other episodes on this show, but, uh, but yeah. What are some of the habits that you've developed around faith and what's the advice you'd give to, to other couples?

Well, if I may just start by saying this, uh, you know, a person's faith. We all believe in something. Okay. Uh, with regards to faith, we might say, well, I don't believe in God. Well, your faith is that you don't believe in God, but so you have a faith. Uh, I, I would say to somebody that maybe doesn't have a faith in God to just be, be open to potentially that, and God, if you are, you know, it could be very simple.

It could be, it could be you alone in a room saying, you know, God, if you're there, show me, let me see. You know, open my heart in a different way, my mind in a different way and be open. If there's a result, one of two things is gonna happen. You're gonna wake up the same person you were the day before. But I, I, I would Gander to say that what's really gonna happen is that once you open yourself up to that, God is going to answer that.

And your faith will grow in a way you've never seen it grow. You'll see things differently. And then you'll say, oh my gosh, there's something to this. So with that is background, you know, the old saying that we've heard before, you know, family doesn't pray, you know, pray together, Grammy that pray together, stays together.

Uh, there's so much truth in that. And I can't give to my wife and I can't give to my guy, my family, if I first don't find a way. Ask God to enter my life and help me to be the best father and husband. I know all my faults, my wife, as you can see, um, is so kindly, uh, has some blinders on to a degree, but I know I, and she both know that there are many faults that I carry and, and thankfully I have a partner in life that helps me overcome myself.

Uh, but even bigger than that, I, I, you know, it starts with God and saying, Lord, help me with this because I can't do. And then it happens and it happens the next day and the next day. And there's some falling, like we talked about earlier and you get up and you keep at it. And before you know it, you see wonderful things develop around you just by making a little bit of effort.

So prayer, not just in the morning, but throughout the day. Let me tell you there's many times. And, and, and I'll keep, keep quiet for this, but there's many times. I think in any of our lives, but particularly as a father, you feel like you're on the front lines where things are tough, whether it's a work related situation, whether it's job insecurity, uh, whether it's losing your job and being out of work.

Okay. We've kind of been through a lot of it over the last 15 years. There's a lot of very difficult scenarios that all of us husband or wife, uh, or children are confronted with. And especially at those times, We need to dig deep and we need to ask, uh, for that help. Well, I think like why I don't think I know God is love.

And so if you don't have God in your life, it's gonna be pretty impossible to find true love. So that's. Number one. Um, if you don't have faith, I really surely recommend that you go on your knees and just ask God. They like every day, just for like 10 seconds, God give you the gift of faith. And he, he won't give, I mean, he's not gonna impose it on you, but he won't give you that gift of faith.

And then, um, you know, Jo has already mentioned how we wake up in the morning and, and pray together. Uh, we dress to the family, rose girls also as a family, but then two things that Joe and I do, we, we both have spiritual directors, which is almost like a, like a spiritual coach, like a life coach. You know, when you think of like all these people, like going on, like Nutrisystem or weight Watchers, or, you know, all these things and all of them have support groups or, you know, this.

You know, even like on, on America's got talent. I mean, all these people, like they have their coaches or their trainers. and I mean, for marriage and for life, for holiness, that is something that is much more important. And I mean, your whole happiness relies on it. And here we just pretend that we can just do it by ourselves.

It's unbelievable. So, you know, it's impossible. So every two weeks, Joe and I individual. Meet with the, as project director. And they, they really know us and they, they help us and we're just like super honest and it just really helps keep us on track. And then the other thing is we each go on a, uh, retreat, a weekend weekend, silent retreat once a year, we don't go together.

We go separate. And so it's a second retreat, completely silent course. It's like guided first and there's, you know, like mass. But it really, to me, it's like, honestly, it's like being on my table. Like I don't wanna go back. I'm like, this is like so amazing, but it really brings a lot of perspective. And like when you are outside, you know, of like, it's so difficult to see a circumstances.

I mean, I was just talking to Joe's sister today about one of her daughters and, you know, I, I told her, I said, you know, I think it's, it's very easy for someone to see something when you're outside, when you're like in the middle of the problem. You don't really baby. See it, you know? And so I think like when we take that step back and we go for a whole weekend, just dedicated it to God you, I mean, at least I come back home with lots of resolutions.

I'm super excited to. Start working, like putting another new brick in our marriage, like another new brick and like strengthening our foundation, like, you know, fixes this window in our family unit like this. I mean all these things and they're very precise and, and, and concrete, you know, it's not like I'm going to love my husband more.

I mean, well, I mean, how am I gonna love him more? Well, you know what, maybe I'm going to complain less when he leaves his like 30 socks, like laying around and, you know, I mean, that's something concrete. That's, that's how, you know, It's it's like when you, we say, oh, I love people in Ethiopia. So it's impossible.

You love people in Ethiopia because you don't live in and many times God's a, God asked us the murderdom of little pinches, you know, like he's not gonna ask us to give a life or the prot of Liberty of the United States. I. Most, I mean, most likely we're not going to be asked to do these heroic act, but he asked us to be heroic in the little things, you know, to be heroic, to smile when we don't feel like smiling to help each other out, to talk kindly.

Those are the little acts of, of love and faith and kindness that God is asking us. And honestly, God is so much more generous and what we could ever even imagine, or, or believe that if you just stray a little bit. You're gonna, your marriage is gonna be amazing. Honestly, the one thing I just wanted to add is that, you know, when things are very tough and difficult, the point I was trying to get at was, and I said it a little bit earlier, but I just wanna be very clear.

Sometimes the attacks are so intense and it's like the evil ones at your doorstep and you feel. You can feel the emotions, uh, the, the sense of it around you and you know, that there's a battle there. And sometimes we are no match for that. Okay. Uh, we are too small for that. And that's really when, uh, at least from my perspective, as a father, as a husband, uh, I really, I'm kind of begging and, and they come in the form of aspirations.

God helped me, you know, hail Mary holy Mary heal me. Dear Lord help me, God, mercy on me. Jesus, be with me, you know, and, and it's a fight. It's a battle. And sometimes just repeating those words, you're, you're also sending a message that, Hey man, you can't mess with me cuz I have the king behind me and back off, man, just back off and, and let me tell you, you will win that battle.

because God is with you and then you will be able to come back and, and get up and be much more stronger. And. And be able to love your, your, your wife and kids. So like, like Joey, our senses, we call him after this. Joey of course. of course he, he says hail Mary full of grace, punch a devil in the face. The next area I wanted to talk about is communication, uh, including conflict and disagreements.

Again, we talked on about this a little bit, but this is a really critical area to get right in your marriage. So what are some of the additional habits besides for what we touched on already that in your marriage, and then what advice would you give to, to young couples to developing habits like those?

You know, honestly, I can say, especially like, if people have gone through. um, divorced parents or, you know, separate parents. I can see a little bit of that in Joe. Um, like we might have some disagreement, like it's, it is almost like he's, um, I don't wanna say scared because he's not scared, but he's like, he really went quickly, wants to put the lid on, you know, And sometimes I have, um, it's not like it's good to talk things over.

Like it's not, you know, like sometimes if, if you like slice it over too quickly, like it just festers their, so it's, it's, it's important that people realize that having a respectful discussion or argument like. Keep in mind. He's very poor guy is married to Spanish, who is lots of fashion. And I talk with my hand, I talk with my voice.

I'm always like excited. You know, I couldn't tell so poor guy is like having like heart attack over like over heart attack, like, you know, day and day. Uh, but I think it's, it's important to be able to talk about things it's important to have strong feelings it's important. And it's interesting too, to get to know each other.

So I think it's, as long as you're respectful, as long as you're caring and loving, and it's really important that whoever who's a stronger one says, sorry, the first. And I wanna say it again. Whoever's the stronger one says, sorry, the first. And when you say two don't tango of 2, 1, 2, you know, so if you are in an argument, it's not because, well, she said, oh, well he said, no, no, you're in this argument because both of you want to be in an argument.

And so it's good to, you know, even if you like. So it's very through your close tooth and you're like, I'm really sorry, but it's like, but it's like, you know, you just put like a hurdle to pride and the other, it just catches the other person by surprise. Yeah. And it's just like, you know what, I take a break and it's good to like, like Joe said, like, you know, maybe like go, go for a walk or go little bit.

You know, father rocking. He used to say, you know, uh, many times like, you know, moms tell me that, you know, my baby is cranky because either hungry or thirsty or tired, well guess what? In the end, aren't we all like little kids. I mean, it's, it's happened to me so many times. Like I'm thirsty and I'm just a bad mood.

I, I just have. A glass of water, like, oh man, world. I mean, this life suddenly like, looks so much better. yeah. Filling those basic needs. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Certainly when you have kids, like when Joseph, when you have stress from, from work or, you know, your, your coworkers, this and that, sometimes it's just like, like you just need a little, I mean, we're not, we're not robots.

We're people. We have emotions. We have our heart, we have and we're body and soul. So you cannot. She has on faith alone. I mean, we're, we're not spirits. So we, we also have to take care of our bonding needs, you know, not just the, the faith aspect, of course, as number one, that we're both body and son. So it's important to, to be arrested when you communicate to you not don't, don't start to, don't start an argument when you're like, you know, tired or hungry or there's, I mean, You know, maybe do it after lunch, maybe, you know?

Um, one thing that I, I was told is when I have to break down wrong, not, I always want to cover his ears and he doesn't hear this and it's like, um, they said, you know, when you hear something like difficult or something you discuss with your husband, like, make sure you first call him a little bit, like maybe like make it like a nice dinner, maybe like go on a date.

I don't know, like make it a little bit, so like, it's easier to talk about it. And the other person can feel like, although they might be hearing something difficult or, or challenging at the, on the other hand, at least you're getting your favorite meal. Is there eating this? Like the other half of them is thinking like, she loves me so much.

She spent like three hours in, in the kitchen, like making this cuz she knows. She knows how I like it so much. It's not like here we are, like the basement flooded and, um, you know, like here's the next school belt. And then let me tell you, like something like, we really have to talk because I nurse about to fall apart.

Well, right there is really not the moment to talk about it, you know? So I think it's really important to look for the right situation. Ask the holy spirit and then, you know, your biggest, um, ally is your spouse's garden angel. You know, I go to, to Joe's garden angel, a. um, it is something that actually Joe taught me to do when we were dating.

It's amazing. How many times, like he might say something and I'm like, oh, I don't even have to bring it up. and it's great because he thinks it's his idea. So it's even better. and the other thing I would just say, Joey is, you know, sometimes us, us skies, we wanna want to try to fix things. Sometimes just communication is just being a good listener.

And you know, if you don't have an answer, then there's been many a times I've told Maria I, you know, let me think about it. We could talk about it tomorrow. So it's, and it's great. He's, he's a great listener, great people person. So many times I go to him and I'm like, I don't know how to deal with this person or that person.

And he has CR I mean, because we are so D. Like things that just look like so much common sense to him. To me, it's just like a revelation and like, Thank goodness. it's beautiful. I wanna talk a little bit about suffering. We could do a whole show on suffering, but it can destroy a marriage. It, it really can.

How have you guys handled suffering? I know, I know you've been through a lot of suffering, but especially with baby James. Um, so talk about that a little bit, if you would, uh, how have you handled it and what advice would you give to, to couples who maybe are facing suffering right now or who will in the future?

I think it's just a matter. Of when not if thank you, Joey. Uh, well, on the 30th of August, um, this last we celebrated his nine year old birthday. He turned his birthday was nine years ago, this past, uh, August 30th. And without getting into the huge story, if you're, if your listeners go to, uh, YouTube and, uh, put in baby James Nicholas, they can, uh, spend 21 minutes.

We promise, uh, they won't be disappointed. It'll it? Share our lives and the story of our son, but very simply put, uh, we were blessed at the time with three kids, uh, and Maria was pregnant, uh, with number four and we went to a routine ultrasound and, uh, it was after that ultrasound that we were, uh, told that, uh, uh, our child has, you know, pretty severe defects.

And were was, were told that he wouldn't survive birth right at, at that time, we didn't know he or she, we found out later in the day, uh, because we wanted to pray for our baby by name. It turned out he was a little boy and he had a severe, uh, defect called osteogenesis and perfecto type two, which is a fatal, brittle bone disease.

And again, they said your child's gonna die birth, uh, or maybe live a minute or two. So I will say this, you talk about gifts. Uh, I'll never forget driving, uh, and down the driveway up to our home. I think my mom, uh, was watching the kids, uh, as we went to this routine appointment, which obviously wasn't routine.

I remember pulling into our driveway and, um, Marie reminded me, the kids were with us and I just looked at the house. We lived in, I looked at the yard, I looked at my lovely wife and the kids we had in the car. I said, Lord, you know, just take this home, take this property. Just leave being my wife and kids.

And if you can give us a healthy, you know, if you could let James live, that would be a great thing. But at that point, I just wanna say that, uh, you know, truly, truly, truly the gift of detachment was given to us because he realized at that point, no material mattered. What mattered was, uh, the people in that were in that car right there and the baby in her womb.

And, uh, it was a true gift. You can say suffering. Yeah. There was certainly some suffering knowing, and, and not knowing what might happen, especially for a mother that's carrying the child. But even through that suffering, let me tell you, there were so many prayers and graces and so many gifts, and it was the gift to really recognize and appreciate each other marriage.

The children that we had, but also the life that was in, in, in, in the womb of Maria and ultimately, uh, who was born, I don't wanna spoil the, the 21 minute video that your listeners are gonna watch, but, uh, truly, uh, he was a great gift. Uh, but yes, there was certainly moments of suffering there. And Maria can comment more on that.

Well, Joe is very strong. I'm not so strong. Um, so I suffered a lot. Yeah. Be very honest. Um, and even my, my dad told me recently, he said, oh, are, are you over it? And I said, dad, that's something that you never get over losing a child. And I'm smart enough to not, for example, like this video. I can't watch it.

Like, I mean, um, Joe loves watching it and I maybe watch it once a year, but that's, that's my capacity. I mean, I, I cannot watch it more than, and I'm smart enough that I don't, you know, on, we live in Chicago in this wonderful gray, long winter days that are just and ending, um, on those days I don't, I don't sit in front of a picture of James and put.

Sad music I'm on rap stuff. I mean, I'm smart enough not to do stuff like that, but it is. I find it it's like a hole you have in your heart. Like sometimes it's like the says of a prick and you can't even tell and you just go around and sometimes it's like your whole heart as a whole and it just happens, you know?

And so I think it's, um, you know, one thing that really helped me and it's not a book that is for people. I have lost a child or a specific suffering, but I recommend it to anybody who's maybe like 18 and older. Um, just because, I mean, I don't say younger than 18 because you don't get as much at it, but not because there's any content that should be censored at all.

It's a small little book and it's called trustful surrender to God, Cine Providence. And that book helped me so much, the small little. But it's so, so powerful. And it's, he's really realizing to put everything in God's hands and asking God, let me be at peace with whatever is your plan for me. And when you are, when you've gotten to that point, when you pray, let me be at peace, then you truly will be at peace with whatever happens.

And I think it's very important when you do have the. I mean, we're obviously very different. Like Joe was Tru my, my rock, but it, I was very, like, I was very honest. Like I cried plenty of times and you know, with my, with my head, of course, I knew that, you know, God is my father and he only. Gives us wonderful and beautiful things.

And his plan is much more beautiful than, than ours, but with my heart, with my heart, I was like, how in the world is this God? I mean, are you kidding me? This is, this, this feels pretty bad to me. You know? And so it was that, that pain, not, not, I mean, of course, of, of having a sex child. You know, as a parent, what you want to do is to protect your child to do as much as, as possible.

There's nothing you can do, but also having that strain between heart and head, how do you even, uh, unify that? So I think it's super important to, again, work on your friendship, spend time with each other. Again, if you, I'm not saying, you know, don't talk to your sisters and I mean, of course, like, or with your friends or, but it's really important.

Keep working on this friendship, because if I would've shared at the same level, my pain or with the same intensity or, or that frequency with somebody else, it would've been very easy to build a, an unwanted bridge with that person. And so it's really important to be together. I mean, Joe and I prayed plenty, plenty.

Um, through that time together, I think it's also important to figure out what can, what can help and not help. Uh, I know for example, in America, it's very, it's very traditional to help people out with meals, honestly, after James passed away, I mean, I was like, please people do not bring me meals because then you, I mean, I, I had just had a baby.

Like I, you know, I had all these little ones and if you take away my kids, if you take it, you know, if you, if you bring me the meals, then I'm just laying in bed, like sobbing all day. So I think it's important to communicate, to see what your needs are and to, to. Be United, you know, that's great advice in closing out.

I just wanna ask you guys, what word of encouragement would you give to, to anyone listening who really desires a beautiful marriage? They, they want love that lasts, but they may have doubts. They may doubt that it's possible for them because of what they've seen, what they've been through. And so what, what would you say?

What encouragement would you. To them? Well, the first thing I would say to every one of them is the, the reality that they are super loved. And I want them to look at their lives is though, uh, um, from the perspective of God who created them, if they can. Uh, and I know this might be bigger challenge for, you know, the folks that might not be believers.

God, uh, came down in this world and, and through Jesus Christ and died for each and every one of them. And if they were the only person in the world, God died for them. Okay. And God loved them. And it's important for each of them and in all of your listeners and all of us to, to understand at all times that we are super loved, super loved.

And if we can understand that. Um, uh, we can, we can offer that perspective and that same love to our spouses because our capacity to love knowing that we're super loved right. Is huge. But also knowing that we have this incredible partner, this incredible gift that's been given to us in the form of our wife, or maybe our husband and as Maria.

So nicely said the path to heaven is through that. And, and that's the great gift we have. And, you know, I was struck one time when I heard it, uh, um, something when I was a younger father and husband, where, where, uh, someone had, I read somewhere that, that the average person, the average father, uh, or husband maybe spends less than two minutes of time of genuine time, like eye contact with their child.

And I heard that, and it was kind of hard to believe and I'm thinking. That just doesn't seem right. So I kind of did a little self test and I realized as a young busy husband and father, um, I probably was, you know, not too much more than that statistic, uh, with my own kids and maybe even my own wife as, as crazy as that sounds.

Um, and as you get older, uh, um, and the kids stay up a little later. Your time seems to decrease, right, honey. Uh, so that's why, as Maria mentioned, it's so important to take some of that time, but I just think, you know, love comes in the form of not just saying, Hey, I'm gonna love someone more, but it comes in the form of different deeds and actions, concrete resolutions, and one of them for me, after I heard the statistics was just simply eye contact, looking at my child and.

Do you know how special you are. Do you know how special God made you? You are so loved. And let me tell you the, the smiles that come from their faces when they, you know, they love when he tells and then they love it. They, yeah. So anyway, that's so important. And then of course, uh, doing a little bit of that with your.

With your spouse and some spontaneous dancing and singing I know your voice might not be the best. I would say a combination of those little things, uh, go a long way. And, and, you know, we all hear the saying, don't sweat, the small stuff. Don't take, don't take yourself too seriously. You know what I mean?

You know, it really, at the end of the day, you know, you lose your job, you lose your house. You know, I don't think any of us have starved. Maybe we go a little hungry here and there, but listen, we're well cared for. And, uh, uh, there's nothing really ever, uh, too much to get too worked up over, uh, as long as you have, you know, your family and, and know that you're loved and, and.

Uh, you can pass that love onto your, your wife and kids. That's a, it's a really special thing. Mm. I was gonna say, you know, um, number one, I mean, dreaming, your dreams will fall short. I mean, the adventure of marriage with the right person is like amazing. I mean, that's why the beginning, I'll tell you again.

I never knew that I was marrying somebody so amazing. And I'm just, I mean, I, I'm excited every day to wake up next to Joe and, and get to know them more. I mean, I am excited. I mean, I'm, I'm gonna remind her. She said that tomorrow at five in the morning. I'm genuinely excited. Like when he comes home, like to spend time together.

Like, I mean, you know, sometimes I, I have to say like, I'm like go to bad. Like I just wanna, you know, I think joy asked me today, or yesterday later, what's about, I said, I just want everyone to go to bed. So you and I can be by ourselves. Like not to do anything next special, but just to happen to myself, I'm like, I just went out to myself.

I'm sorry, I'm selfish, but I'm like . Um, and I think it's like really important to, you know, like I said, like with the right person, you know, when people talk about their career, when people invest in university, they go on all these tours, they, you know, talk to a career counselor and they, you know, how much time do we really spend, you know, researching about marriage?

How much time do we spend. Getting to know the person we're dating and not just like talking about, you know, our favorite foods or let's do this and that. But you know, this is like, you know, I don't think this is like the right way of necessarily, but I had had a previous experience before Joe, like dating wise and it lasted for about like three.

And it wasn't too good. And so, and this was from a, from a, a young man who had as, um, who had assisted at Catholic school. And so when Joe started pursuing me, I felt to myself, well, I'm pretty busy and this guy was a total disaster. So I'm really not, you know, I don't wanna waste my time. Cause I was, I was pursuing two different majors, like I was super busy and this is like, keep in mind.

It's a big commitment, like on the other side of the world. So it are different. And so. You know, like week two or three, when he's emailing back and forth. I said, you know, before we continue in this, like back and forth with these emails, like, it's, it's great to get to know you, but I really need to know what you think of in this, like a 30 question list.

Like, you know, the pop contraception, premarital sex, uh, I mean confession, all these things, you know? And so I think it's really important not to have like a test that you give the other person, but it's really important that you. On these fundamental things, you're not going to change somebody. You're not going to convince somebody, um, invest in.

We make sure that you talk about these things. You know, we have our neighbors across the street. They never thought about traditions growing up and he doesn't want to invite the Easter bunny or Santa, like into their home. For example, she's, she's completely crushed, you know? So I think it's important to talk about.

Things that are important to you to get to know their family, to have a special director that can help you guide you and just not being afraid. I mean, just like I said before, burn your ships and then, you know what they said, there is like the place of no return. You better go forward because there's no place to get back.

And from every after every dark moment, I think it only gets better and better. You know, it's like the it's like wine. If you work in. You know, and it's only going to get bad if, you know, if you don't want to go go better. I mean, I always say we have a, a sister-in-law that was a little bit challenging and I was talking to my mom and I said, you know, if we love her very much, she's not going to be able to not love back.

And so if you're going to a dark moment with your spouse, you know, before throwing away blame or, you know, throwing around blame. Love that person love his balance. Very much with little details with concrete moments like Joe said, and the other person is not going to be able to resist. Love is going to start loving back.

Love conquerers though. No, I love it. No, that's that's great advice. And to everyone listening again, who's discouraged, uh, take heart. It's possible for you to get to the point where you can build love that lasts. And if you do those little things, if you find a virtuous spouse, because remember, as we've said many times on the show, The more virtuous the spouses, the happier the marriage.

So if you can build virtue in your life, those good habits seeking after what is good, uh, and find someone who's doing the same and do that together, uh, you're gonna have a happy marriage. It might be difficult at times you might suffer, but you will suffer will be difficult at times. But through those experiences you can keep growing, uh, like Joan Maria said really well, so you can do it.

You can write your own story. You don't have to repeat the pattern. That you saw in your family, which often runs generations long, but you truly can create a beautiful marriage. And to be that example that your kids and your grandkids will talk about Joe Maria. Thank you so much for, for coming on. If people want to, uh, connect with you, how can they do that?

Uh, I would say Spanish KES, yahoo.com is an email that we have. And, uh, uh, again, Spanish KES, K E L L E R S. Yahoo. They're welcome to, uh, ask a question or say hello. Or when they're in the Chicago area come, you know, say, say, meet the family. yes, there you go. We're real. You're that's one thing I'll have to remind people of this.

Isn't fake. This isn't acting, this is real, like really he did Joey for the record. Did not pay us to say any of this. We'll talk about that after. No, I'm just kidding. We wanna enjoy little controlled chaos. Uh, they're welcome to come. there you go. I love it. Well guys, thank you so much. And we'll throw all that in the show notes, the email, as well as the video, um, that Joan and Maria mentioned, you really should watch that I've watched it so beautiful and you can hear kind of how that story ended.

So guys, thank you so much for your time. I know it's valuable. Really appreciate you being here, Joey. Thank you. God bless you. It was great. Thank you audio. Man. I just love them. I seriously love Joe and Maria. Every time I go over to their house for dinner, or just spend time talking with them, it's just an absolute joy.

I, I always have such a great time with them and it's just so beautiful that the marriage they've built, the family they've built, their kids are great as well. And, and they're so real. They're so human. It's not. Their heads are in the clouds. They are very down to earth and they just love so much. And they're so joyful and so happy.

So I'm glad that you guys got to know them in terms of takeaways, Joe and Maria, to me prove what's possible for love and marriage. They prove that love can last. They prove that marriage can be beautiful, can be fun. It can be adventurous. You can fall more in love with your spouse. As time goes on all the.

It's just so beautiful to, to see a couple like them, because sadly it's rare. It's rare to see someone who, who has a great marriage. Now, if you wanna contact Joe and Maria, like they said, you can email them, uh, one correction though. It's Spanish Kells, gmail.com, not Yahoo. So Spanish. KES and KES is spelled with two LS, gmail.com.

We'll throw that in the show notes for you guys. So you can just click on it. If you wanna email him, feel free to just reach out with any questions you have or just to say, thank you for them coming on the show and sharing, uh, their advice and their story. If you wanna watch the video about baby James, you can go to restored ministry.com/ 28.

Again, that's restored ministry ministry says singular.com/two eight on the page. You can click to, to play the video about baby James. Keller, like I mentioned at the beginning of the show, there's a virtual healing retreat for adult children of divorce, anyone 18 and older. This is hosted by life giving wounds, Dr.

Daniel Meola. You may remember from episode nine, they're really one of the only organizations out there next to restored, and maybe a couple others that are producing. Content and resources for people who come from broken homes. And so this specific retreat is virtual. Like I mentioned, it's a series of evenings that are seven weeks an hour and a half each week.

They're on Thursday, evenings from 8:00 PM to nine 30 Eastern time. And it starts on October 1st. And the last night is October 12th. The cost is a hundred dollars, but if you're a college student and you actually get a discount, you'll only pay $50. So it's half off really good deal. The, the spots are limited.

So make sure to sign up right away if you want. In the last day to register is October 6th. So make sure you get in before that and to, to sign up or just to see the speaker line up the topics that are gonna cover, and then the whole schedule go to life. Giving wounds. Dot org slash online retreat. Again, that's life giving wounds.org/online retreat.

And if you don't wanna type that all out, we'll throw them in the show notes as well that you can just click on it. And I will say it is a Catholic retreat, primarily geared towards Catholics, but anyone can attend and you're still gonna get a lot out of it. And they'd be more than happy to kinda walk you through things if you're not familiar with Catholicism, but, uh, but just be warned that it is a Catholic retreat.

And that's the background that they're coming from full disclosure. I have not been on the retreat myself, but I've heard good things about it from people. That I trust. So hopefully that's a good resource for you guys. Hopefully that's helpful. Sign up today, or just go to that link to, uh, to learn more.

Again, that's life giving wounds.org/online retreat. As always, the resources mentioned are in the show notes of restored ministry.com/two eight restored ministry.com/twenty. Thank you so much for listening. You're the reason we do this. If this has been useful, please subscribe and share this with someone, you know, who could use it.

Always. Remember you are not alone. We're here to help you feel whole again and become the person that you were born to be.


Restored creates content that gives teens and young adults the tools and advice they need to cope and heal after the trauma of their parents’ divorce or separation, so they can feel whole again.


#029: Stories of Impossible Marriages Redeemed | Leila Miller


My Parents' Divorce Made It Hard for Me to Believe in Lasting Love