help the young people you lead from divorced or separated families with these talks
Schools - Conferences - Churches
If you lead teenagers or young adults with divorced or separated parents, this is for you.
How many of the young people that you lead are from divorced or broken families? Sadly, probably more than it appears.
Even if they don’t, they have close friends or relatives that going through the breakdown of their family.
Traumatized by those experiences, most young people feel alone and uncertain of how to deal with it all.
We Can Help
Restored helps teens and young adults from divorced or broken families heal and grow, so they can feel whole again and break the cycle in their own lives. We do so by producing content, such as these talks.
Better, Not Bitter
How to Transform Pain Into Purpose
Nothing steals the happiness and salvation of young people more than pain and suffering in their lives. Most respond to it in unhealthy, sinful ways that cause even more harm.
In this practical talk, Joey shares his journey of navigating pain. He offers stories and lessons on how to heroically deal with pain like the Saints did, so young people can use suffering as a catalyst for growth instead of being crushed by it.
Length: 45 minute keynote or breakout + Optional Q&A
Audience: Teenagers & young adults
Love That Lasts
7 Tips to Build Healthy Relationships and a Divorce-Proof Marriage
Young people desire love that lasts, but most don't know how to build it. Discouraged by the prevalence of divorce, many fear their own marriage will end that way.
In this practical talk for singles and couples, Joey offers a roadmap for love that goes beyond a chastity talk. Based on the Church's wisdom, marriage research, and time-tested couples, he shares 7 tips on how to build healthy relationships and a divorce-proof marriage.
Length: 45 minute keynote or breakout + Optional Q&A
Audience: Teenagers & young adults
Helping the Hurting
How to Bring Healing and Hope to Someone from a Divorced or Broken Family
For many teens and young adults, the most traumatic experience in their lives is their parents‘ separation or divorce. Sadly, few know how to properly help them. As a result, they feel alone and struggle in serious ways with emotional problems, unhealthy habits, relationship struggles, and more.
In this talk, Joey offers time-tested tactics that you can use to help young people from broken families. Whether you’re a parent, teacher, coach, pastor, youth minister, friend, or significant other, this talk is for you. You’ll walk away knowing what to say and do, and perhaps most importantly, what to not say and do. It will equip you to help the person in your life from a broken family to feel less alone and get the help they need to heal and thrive.
Length: 45 minute keynote or breakout + Optional Q&A
Audience: Anyone who loves or leads young people from divorced and broken families (parents, relatives, friends, significant others, teachers, coaches, pastors, etc)
How to Break the Cycle of Your Broken Family
Has your parents’ divorce or broken family brought pain into your life?
Do you fear repeating the cycle of dysfunction or divorce?
You’re not alone—millions face these often unspoken struggles: hidden wounds, emotional problems, broken relationships, and destructive habits.
Thankfully, you’re not destined to repeat your family’s dysfunction. In this practical talk, you’ll discover the two keys to breaking that cycle and learn actionable tips to build healthy relationships.
Length: 45 minute keynote or breakout + Optional Q&A
Audience: Teenagers & young adults
“It was so engaging that during the entire 45 minute talk, my attention didn’t drift once.”
- Teenager
“My middle school students (13 and 14 year olds) loved the talk so much that they gave Joey a standing ovation at the end!”
- Leader
“I went to a friend's house this weekend for a girl’s game night. The girl I sat next to just got married within the last 7 months – she said she watched your marriage talk 3x because she thought it was so helpful!”
- Young Adult
”I’ve heard countless talks. This might’ve been the best yet.”
- College Student
“The high school students asked deep, engaging questions during Q&A for 20 minutes. They haven't engaged like that all summer!”
- Leader
”Phenomenal talk! We already want you to come back!”
- Leader
“Joey’s talk was the best talk my girls have heard in 3 years of coming to this retreat.”
- Mom
About Joey
Joey has spoken across the U.S. and abroad, including at Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ave Maria University, the Archdioceses of Denver and San Francisco, the Diocese of San Diego, FOCUS, and more.
He’s been a guest on Relevant Radio’s The Drew Mariani Show, EWTN’s Women Made New, and Jason Evert’s Lust is Boring podcast. He also hosts the podcast, Restored: Helping Children of Divorce.
Joey is the author of the book, It’s Not Your Fault: A Practical Guide to Navigating the Pain and Problems from Your Parents’ Divorce. His articles have been published by Chastity Project, FOCUS, the Culture Project, and Shalom Tidings Magazine.
Joey graduated from Franciscan University of Steubenville with a bachelor's degree in Finance and from Benedictine College with an MBA. Most importantly, Joey is husband to Brigid and father to Lucy.
Booking a Talk is Easy
1. Fill out the form
Answer simple questions about your audience and event in 30-90 seconds.
2. Finalize the details
Firm up the date and travel details via email or phone (your choice).
3. Help the young people you lead
We’ll give them the practical advice and tools they need to feel whole again.