#098: Healing Sexual Brokenness: 6 Steps for Women to Break Free | Kelsey Skoch

If you’re a woman that struggles with unwanted sexual behavior, have you felt like you’re the only female that struggles? If so, that’s an absolute lie. In fact, one study found that ~75% of women 18-30 reported viewing porn at least once a month. 

With more and more women struggling with porn and masturbation, speaker and author Kelsey Skoch joins the show to share steps you can take as a woman to find freedom. We also discuss:

  • Kelsey’s past struggles, what helped her find freedom, and what her life is like now

  • How unhealed trauma can contribute to unwanted sexual behavior, including the trauma of your parents’ divorce or broken family

  • How some people claim these behaviors are good for women, but Kelsey shares how she’s only seen it damage women

Buy Kelsey’s book, Uncompromising Purity (Buy on Amazon)

Take the My Broken Family Assessment

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Restored creates content that gives teens and young adults the tools and advice they need to cope and heal after the trauma of their parents’ divorce or separation, so they can feel whole again.


10 Tips to Help Someone Whose Parents are Separating or Divorcing


#097: 3 Tips to Help Someone from a Divorced or Broken Family