Resources to heal from the trauma of your parents’ divorce or family dysfunction, so you can break the cycle
Content - Coaching - Community
You’re Not Doomed to Repeat Your Family’s Dysfunction.
To avoid the cycle, you need to heal and grow. But if you don’t, there are real dangers.
Studies show that children of divorce are more likely to:
Struggle in romantic relationships
Get divorced
Struggle in relationships with their parents
Attempt suicide
Experience emotional problems like depression, anxiety, & loneliness
Struggle with low self-esteem
Experience health and social problems
That doesn’t have to be your story.
If you’re a teen or young adult from a broken family, you’re in the right place.
Dr. Bob Schuchts, PhD
“As a young man, I had no resources like Restored to help me through the devastating impact of my parents’ divorce. I highly recommend Restored to teen and adult children of divorce or dysfunction as well as any struggling with sexual and relational brokenness of any kind.”
Simple Tools to Heal & Grow
Practical guidance and support through content, coaching, and community to help you heal and grow.
Coping Tactics
Common sense tips to cope with pain and problems in healthy ways instead of unhealthy ways
Healing Strategies
Evidence-based practical steps to heal your brokenness
Relationship Tips
Time-tested ways to build a thriving and divorce-proof marriage
Practical tools that take the confusion and obstacles out of healing.
Practical lessons from stories and expert interviews that help you heal.
Stories and advice that help you become healthy and whole.
Live or virtual presentations for schools, conferences, and churches that offer practical guidance to young people from broken homes.
Online video courses for young people from broken families and anyone that loves or leads them.
Free national referral network of counselors and spiritual directors that we vet, trust, and recommend.
Free and private online community with people like you who actually get you, support you, and help you become a stronger person.
Healing Made Simple
Step 1: Identify Brokenness
Similar to healing physical injuries, identify the trauma you need to heal
Step 2: Pick Resources
Choose the resources that resonate with you (content, coaching, etc)
Step 3: Feel Whole Again
Become a happier, healthier, and stronger person
We Get It
As children of divorce, we personally know what it feels like when your parents’ marriage and family fall apart. It hurts.
Nobody should have to experience that, and certainly not alone. We literally exist for you.
People Helped by Restored
Our Founder & CEO
Joey Pontarelli’s parents separated when he was 11 and later divorced. It brought much pain and many problems into his life.
Searching for help, he was shocked by the lack of resources for young people from broken families. And so, he started Restored to fill the void. He brings to the table:
17+ years of dealing with the pain and problems from his parents’ breakup
10+ years of spiritual direction
5+ years of counseling
He’s spoken around the U.S., Europe, and Central America
Business expertise from scaling a tech company from 8 to 40 team members in 3 years
Get Free Chapters from It’s Not Your Fault
What’s the most traumatic event you’ve endured in your life?
For many teens and young adults, the answer is their parents’ separation or divorce.
Yet no one shows them how to handle all the pain and problems that stem from their family’s breakdown. As a result, they feel hopeless, alone, and uncertain of how to deal with it all.
It’s Not Your Fault is a practical guide to successfully navigating the most pressing challenges they face.
It gives them the tools they need to cope in healthy ways, overcome emotional problems, form thriving relationships, and build virtue.