"I absolutely love the podcast. It seriously feels like it's a life-hack listening to it. It helps so much.
What you're doing here is very important and meaningful. I haven't seen any other attempts to support people who suffer from their parents’ divorces, and even if there are other attempts out there, yours is likely far superior.
I am not particularly religious, though that doesn't mean I'm not open minded, it's more of a habit developed from years of being angry at whatever divine being is out there.
This podcast and everything you're doing is extremely helpful to anyone, religious or not, who is struggling with their broken family.
I hope you make 1000 more episodes on your podcast because that's what really made me realize that all the weird stuff I've been through isn't abnormal for someone in our position, which is beyond healing.
Keep doing what you're doing, you really are making a significant positive impact on peoples’ lives!"